
Our First Dog Food Drive

Event Overview:

Mutt-Made Miracles launched its first dog food drive in January, aimed at supporting local dogs in need. Driven by our values of compassion and community service, this event was an initiative to collect vital supplies for dogs.

Community Involvement:

Our community showed incredible support, contributing 27 bags of dog food and 5 bags of dog treats. This collective effort highlighted our commitment to animal welfare.

Donation Decision:

Inspired by NMDOG's mission in rescuing and rehabilitating dogs, we chose them as the recipients of our raised donations. This contribution aids their significant work in outreach and advocacy.

The Impact:

This event marked an important milestone for us, demonstrating the power of community effort and setting a strong precedent for future initiatives.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to every participant. Your generosity is the first of many steps toward making a significant difference in the lives of dogs.


February 2024